
Drug Addiction Causes, Types, Symptoms & Treatment Rehabs in

You can also get addicted to prescription or illegally obtained narcotic pain medications, or opioids. In 2018, opioids played a role in two-thirds of all drug overdose deaths. ∎ The presence of prescription opioids in fentanyl-positive specimens dropped to an all-time low in 2023, which researchers cite as evidence that the U.S. addiction crisis has shifted from pain medications. Opioid substitute medications such as methadone and buprenorphine are used to reduce cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms from opioids.

what is drug addiction

Drug addiction can start with experimentation in social settings, becoming more frequent with time. Other drug addictions (especially those involving opioids) start when taking prescribed medications. For a long time, addiction meant an uncontrollable habit of using alcohol or other drugs. More recently, the concept of addiction has expanded to include behaviors, such as gambling, as well as substances, and even ordinary and necessary activities, such as exercise and eating.

What is the treatment for substance use disorder?

If your drug use is out of control or causing problems, talk to your doctor. If you grew up with family troubles and aren’t close to your parents or siblings, it may raise your chances of addiction. Your brain is wired to make you want to repeat experiences that make you feel good.

  • Substance use disorder is a mental health disorder in which a person continually uses drugs or alcohol even though it is causing physical, psychological, and/or personal harm.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – common concurrence among alcohol abusers.
  • A lack or disruption in a person’s social support system can lead to substance or behavioral addiction.
  • It is common, if not normal, to go through a stage of engaging in substance use or an addictive behavior without believing you are addicted.

One form of cocaine (freebase, or crack) is generally smoked. Methadone withdrawal can catch users off guard, revealing this opioid medication’s powerful grip. Prolonged drug use can cause damage to other chemical systems in your brain, adversely affecting your judgment, reasoning, memory, and ability to learn. Intentional overdoses are usually a result of someone trying to commit suicide.

What Is Addiction?

The type of treatment a doctor recommends depends on the severity and stage of the addiction. With early stages of addiction, a doctor may recommend medication and therapy. Later stages may benefit from inpatient addiction treatment in a controlled setting. Other possible causes of addiction include chemical imbalances in the brain and mental disorders such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Narcan-naloxone, an antidote to opioid overdose I used in the 1970s, still saves lives today, yet overall, U.S. life expectancy is decreasing because of opioid deaths. Integrated treatment is comprehensive programming that offers all the therapeutic resources necessary to help the individual heal physically, mentally, and spiritually. Prescription drugs that can be obtained legally are also used by all age groups for non-medical reasons and are often combined with alcohol. The risks of interaction, drug addiction, or accidental overdose can be deadly. Drugs affect the reward center in the brain, causing a euphoric feeling while flooding the brain with dopamine. This surge of dopamine can reinforce pleasurable but unhealthy behaviors such as taking drugs and repeating the behavior.

Risk factors

Overall, 93% of fentanyl samples tested positive for at least one other substance, a concerning finding, said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The laboratory Millennium Health said 60% of patients whose urine samples contained fentanyl last year also tested positive for methamphetamine. Cocaine was detected in 22% of the fentanyl-positive samples. The graduation was from the single best program I know of to fight substance use.

Once you recognise the problem, there is a wide range of treatments that can be possible. But there are some treatment procedures which can help you to overcome addiction and stay clean. Most commonly known as “weed” or “marijuana”, cannabis can be a mixture of leaves, flowers or stems from cannabis plants. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the main active component of cannabis that leads to drug abuse. Some people love to use drugs, and others hate it after their first try.

This reduces the high that the person feels compared to the high they felt when first taking the drug—an effect known as tolerance. They might take more of the drug to try and achieve the same high. These brain adaptations often lead to the person becoming less and less able to derive pleasure from other things they once enjoyed, like food, sex, or social activities.

Individuals struggling with drug addiction often feel they cannot function normally without their drug of choice. This can lead to a wide range of issues that impact professional goals, personal relationships, and overall health. Over time, these serious side effects can be progressive and, if left untreated, fatal. In fact, prescription painkillers are the most abused drug in the US after marijuana. More individuals die from opioid painkiller overdoses every day than from traffic accidents and gun deaths combined.

Because this can be unpleasant, it’s easier to carry on having or doing what you crave, and so the cycle continues. Opioid overdoses are reversed when naloxone is administered. However, most overdoses occur outside the hospital when users are home or elsewhere. There is much to gain from giving naloxone to everyone who overdoses. Whether a person or their friends say overdose is due to cocaine, methamphetamine, or another drug is less critical. Drug use, when addiction takes hold, is compulsive and difficult to control, despite its harmful consequences.

what is drug addiction

Substance use is not always an indication of addiction, although drug use carries numerous health and social risks in addition to the risk of addiction. The complications of substance use disorder are broad and may depend on the type of substance use. In detoxification, you stop taking the substance(s), allowing them to leave your body. Depending on the severity of the SUD, the substance or an alternative may be tapered off to lessen the effects of withdrawal.

Changes in the brain

Teachers, parents, and health care providers have crucial roles in educating young people and preventing drug use and addiction. The study found that people battling addiction are increasingly using illicit fentanyl along with other substances, including stimulants such as methamphetamine and cocaine. Although we often talk about opioids in isolation, drugs are usually abused with other drugs. Treatment of OUD usually means treating multiple medical and psychiatric problems and SUD co-addictions. We have no treatment medications for methamphetamine and cocaine overdoses or medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for them. While there is no cure for any mental health disorder, including drug addiction, many go on to lead incredible lives filled with hope and courage.

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